Lower Invertebrate Phyla

Porifera Cnidaria Platyhelminthes Nematoda
Representative Animal




Symmetry None Radial Bilateral Bilateral
Body Plan N/A N/A Acoelomate Pseudocoelomate
Digestive System Filter-feed water by drawing water through pores; amoebocytes take up food from choanocytes, digest it, and carry nutrients to other cells Gastrodermis (inner layer) secretes enzymes into the gastrovascular cavity; gastrodermal cells engulf small pieces of partially digested food by phagocytosis; digestion is completed in cells within food vacuoles Gastrovascular cavity with single opening planarians: digestive juices spilled unto prey; pharynx sucks small pieces of food into gastrovascular cavity, where digestion continues; digestion is completed within the cells lining the gastrovascular cavity cestoda: lack digestive system; food predigested by host Complete digestive tract
Transport Inside Body Flagellated choanocytes (collar cells) lining inside body generate a water current; collars trap food particles and ingest them by phagocytosis Bundles of miscorfilaments arranged into contractile fibers Branching of gastrovascular cavity Pseudocoelom with its fluid transports serves as blood vascular system that transports nutrients throughout body
Gas Exchange Cells directly with water Cells directly with water Planarians: lack organs specialized for gas exchange; In contact with water
Waste Disposal Through osculum Undigested remains are egested through the mouth/anus Planarians: flame cells waft fluid through branched ducts opening to outside Through anus
Nervous System None Noncentralized nerve net is associated with simple sensory receptors distributed radially around body Planarians: near main sources of sensory output is a pair of ganglia (dense cluster of nerve cells) from which a pair of ventral nerve chords run length of body Nervous system exists
Reproduction Asexual Alternation of asexual polyps and sexual medusas Planarians: sexual and asexual (regeneration)
Flukes: alternation of sexual and asexual stages
Usually sexual
Distinguishing Feature Least complex of all animals Basic body plan has two variations: the sessile polyp and the floating medusa Bodies are generally flattened dorsoventrally Cylindrical shape with tapered ends